Saturday, October 11, 2008

One of the reasons why I don't really listen to Chinese songs is because most of them are love songs or really stupid bubblegum songs that are selling dancing music videos of pretty boys and girls. But I must say that they are really good with painfully tragic love songs. This is my current favourite from Ch U's Perfect Cut. A kind soul even put lyrics in. =) And the reason why I'm fervently following the rerun of the show on Friday nights is because I missed Pan Lingling's episode the first time round. I just checked online which episode she's in because I missed (again) the first couple eps and I was afraid to miss her again. I heard her scene where she read her daughter's suicide note is heartwrenchingly good so I want to watch it. It's in ep8 and yesterday was ep6 so it's 2 weeks away. Yay..


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yevil @ 11:37 PM  
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