Saturday, August 1, 2009
Just Jack

Heard this song on BBC Radio 1 and LOVED it. Didn't find an official video of it on youtube. Here's one of a recording in a park. Me loves cello. =) Have to up the volume to listen to it though.

Apparently several people in the comments also heard the song from radio 1. Is it not being played anywhere else? When I first heard it I just keep hearing "The day I died was the best day of my life.." and I wondered if he was having a great day or dying was the best thing that happened to him. I did catch the fact that he got hit by a taxi. Checked out the lyrics and it is the first scenario. I just don't like the fact that he bought cigarettes. It just makes me think that he deserved that taxi.

Ah I found the official video:

While searching for this song I came across another of his song. I like this song a lot too but I had no idea who sang it. I like the middle-to-end part where he sounds a bit like how you would sound talking behind a fan. Used to do that when I was a kid. Good times. Ha.. And I watched this before watching the above one. He looks better in this one. =P I love how he pronounces "Saturday". XD Might be starting to have a thing for English accents.

Just Jack - Starz in their eyes


yevil @ 12:55 AM  
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